Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hello world. I'm back. I didn't notice but it's been a year since my last post. Well, that's life. We get busy sometimes that we forget what we love to do. Or maybe I'm just to bored to be doing something else. Actually something serious is bothering me right now. I should have not cared at all if the person involved is someone not so important.
Haizt. This is very frustrating. Ok. Let me tell you what's going on. My brother ran away from home. He's of legal age but hey, that doesn't give anyone the right to just walk away just because they want to. Back home, my Dad, my Mom and other family members are dead worried about what happened to him since we can't even give a ring on his phone. I'm mad because he did this and did I mention I can't get a decent sleep because of thinking where he might be? Well. Family is family. It's just no fair, I mean what he did. Grrrrrr... rawr.
We grow up and have our own lives to attend to but leave just because??? Please. Yeah, I admit, we don't have the same thoughts on things and I don't know his reason for doing so. Whatever that reason is, that should have been disccussed. There could have been no worried Dad crying coz he doesn't know where his son is. If he's okay, if he has eaten yet or if he's still breathing. Damn. There could have been no worried family members. If you can read this brother, JUST LET US KNOW YOUR SAFE. =(

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